Explore Membership

Strive for the apex of success by leveraging the benefits of a personal board and peer advisory group. With Apex & Peak Boardroom you join a community of top-level CEOs, other C-Suite executives, Founders, and Owners, who are dedicated to growing their businesses, willing to share their knowledge and learn from others, and committed to developing actionable goals while holding each other accountable.


To explore Membership in Apex or Peak Boardroom, please select a time on the calendar to the right and we’ll send you an automated confirmation. You can also call or email directly to our Member Services Department to schedule a time if you prefer.

During the exploratory call, we’ll give you a high-level overview and answer any questions you may have.

Forrest Blake


Founder Forrest Blake has over 25 years in corporate strategy, operations, and team-building as a principal and advisor.

Select a time from the schedule to speak with our Founder Forrest.

Trusted Advisory

At the core of our organization are Executive Masterminds that serve as trusted, peer advisory groups where you can openly and confidentially discuss the issues, challenges, and opportunities that you can’t talk through with your board or staff. Getting unbiased feedback from other CEOs, other C-Suite Executives, Founders, and Owners is truly invaluable.

Each group is carefully cultivated with leaders from across industries to create an environment where Members can learn, teach, and grow. Your fellow Members will become your biggest supporters since they are on the journey with you. Success is always better when you have people to share it with.

Membership Process

We have a defined vetting process that includes talking with each prospective Member to understand their plans and objectives. The purpose of our organization is to create a dynamic environment where you can leverage the collective experience of other members and engage in strategic issue processing and brainstorming that will enable you to gain a competitive advantage, make better decisions, and accelerate business growth.


Please schedule your introductory call with our Founder Forrest Blake.


All Members are vetted by our selection committee prior to extending the invitation to join.


A formal invitation to join will be sent upon approval.


You will receive an invitation to onboarding and your first meeting.